" The School has good teachers with facility of smart classroom. "
Posted February 06, 2019
- Rajeev Kumar
Father of Shubham (Class-VII-B)
" Starting of Vedic Maths classes in school is very appreciable and in very first National Vedic Maths competition 2019, my son secured First position in the school. I am very happy with his progress."
Posted February 06, 2019
- Md. Shehzad
Father of Mohd. Sahid (Class - VIII-B)
" Good facility for Sports and NCC training. "
Posted February 06, 2019
-Mr. Sanjay
Father of Ritesh (Class - VIII-B)
" I am studying in Class XII in the Union Academy school. The school is like my second home. In the last 12 years, I have collected tons of memories in each classroom. Our principal madam is a noble lady and she has comforted me in every ups and downs of my life. Our teachers have always supported me and instilled confidence in me that I can be a winner in life. I love the emphasis that we give to classroom cleanlinesss. The support, friendship and love that I've got from my school has reserved a special place in my heart. Our school is the best school and I wish that the nature of our school should remain the same. "
Posted February 12, 2019
- Aditya Tundwal
Class XII-A
" I have joined the Union Academy School in class XI and my experience in this school has been extremely different when compared to the previous school and what my friends tell me about their school. We have a great team of teachers inspired by a great Principal who care for their students. The teachers are highly qualified and kind. The school's culture is to embrace everyone with their diverse personalities. Besides academics, the sdchool focusses on character building and personality development. I love my school. "
Posted February 12, 2019
- Mainak Sanyal
Class XI-C
Appreciation Letters From Parents addressing School
Letter 1:
आदरणीय प्रधानाध्यापिका जी !
मैं आज आपके समक्ष यह प्रशंसा पत्र लिखकर अपने आप को कृतज्ञ समझूंगा कि मेरे बेटे को आप जैसे प्यार करने वाले मार्गदर्शक मिलें | मैं ईश्वर से यह प्रार्थना करूँगा कि ईश्वर आप लोगों पर अपनी असीम कृपा बनाये रखें |
मैं यह जनता हूँ कि किसी बच्चे को पढ़ाना उसमें अच्छे नागरिक के गुण भरना, उसे समाज का एक जिम्मेदार नागरिक बनाना कोई आसान कार्य नहीं है|
मैं इस बात के लिए हमेशा आपका आभारी रहूँगा कि जो कार्य आपको दिया है आप उससे कहीं ज्यादा कार्य कर हमारे बच्चों के भविष्य संवार रहे हैं | मैं यह मानता हूँ कि आपका विद्यालय हमारे बच्चों के लिए उनके दूसरे घर के समान है | अपने बच्चों को आपके विद्यालय में भेज कर हम निश्चिन्त हो जाते हैं कि अब वहाँ उन्हें घर जैसा ही प्रेम एवं गुण मिलेंगे | बच्चों को जो संस्कार आप लोग दे रहें हैं वह प्रशंसनीय है |
अभिभावक = राम प्रसाद शर्मा
पुत्र का नाम = विजय शर्मा
कक्षा = दसवी ‘अ”
Letter 2:
Joginder Singh
S-23 DDA Flats Basti Narnaul
Ajmeri Gate, Delhi-110006
13 Feb, 2019
The Principal
The Union Academy Sr. Sec. School
Raja Bazar, Gole Market New Delhi-110001
Respected Teachers,
I Joginder Singh, father of Kuldeep Singh Prajapati of class X th A want to express my sincere appreciation to you for being the most dedicated and supporting teachers to students.
We , parents may be accountants, scientists, doctors , and engineers but nothing contributes to the nations development more than the sacrifices made by teachers.
Thank you for being an excellent educator. We know teachers like you are not easy to find. I appreciate your time, your patience, your ability to make a dry subject interesting.
Joginder Singh
F/o Kuldeep Singh Prajapati
Class X-A
" Healthy Environment , Perfect sanitation , Responsible behaviour of teachers towards their duties , always welcome for doubts and questions , providing all basic necessities and also provide extra opportunities to improve oneselves , providing sports facilities , and also appreciate those who are good in sports at zonal and national level. "
Posted March 08, 2019
- Akarshan Shukla
" Supportive and loving nature of teachers. Healthy environment and conductive to learning, provide additional opportunities. I love my school very much . I have spent 12 years in this school "
Posted March 08, 2019
- Mihir Malhotra